Ava can be pretty rough with her sister so figuring out how to react and not over-react has been a challenge, but I can tell by the way they look at each other that they will be BEST FRIENDS!!! When Kylie is upset it's sweet to see how seeing Ava and hearing her voice can sometimes calm Kylie down. Last night they were laying on the bed together and Ava is saying to Kylie..."Waaaassup Kylie...Waaaasup!" Today was Ava's and my first day leaving Kylie with my mom and going somewhere without her. When we got to the car, Ava said "I want Kylie"...I LOVE IT!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Our First Few weeks with Miss Kylie
Kylie is 8 weeks old today. She is the worst sleeper in the history of all newborns...okay maybe not that bad, but it's ROUGH! From her 2nd week until about a week and a half ago, there was rarely a night when I didn't see every hour on the clock, but she is getting better. Only now, she won't let you put her down pretty much from about 5:00 am on, so if I want sleep, I have to hold her...which can be preeeetty uncomfortable.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Kylie Lynn Moore's Birth Day
This is the Labor and Delivery story of Moe's and my 2nd child together (Kylie Lynn Moore).

That Wednesday night before started off like many other nights at home for Ava, Moe and myself. Although, I had been having some sort of contractions since Monday, I assumed they were Braxton Hicks although (as my sister-in-law reminded me) that was silly because at 40 wks, they're not considered Braxton Hicks anymore...they're the real thing. But they would be close and then go away for a long time and they weren't painful at all. So Wednesday after putting Ava to bed, I was washing dishes around 8:30 when I realized I was having some contractions again. Since, I had been having them all day, I wasn't paying much attention to them yet. I was more concerned with determining how I would style my hair after I washed it so I didn't look crazy in my post-delivery pics...you'll see later how that came out...not good :-) So I went on and washed my hair realizing that I was still having contractions.
After I washed my hair, it was about 9:45 pm and I was thinking....hmmmm....I better start timing these. I started timing them for the next hour and they were never any more than 5 mins a part. Still kinda in denial that I was going into labor, I called my sister and asked her what she thought. She told me I should try to stay at home as long as possible, but to call the doctor. When he called me back he told me that 5 mins or less is pretty consistent and to see what happened in the next 1/2 hr and come in if nothing changed. Meanwhile, my husband is pretty much KNOCKED OUT during all of this and to be honest, I don't think he really thought anything was really happening. He was soooo tired after having early morning workouts with his team the entire week before and earlier that week. I had to ask him like 3 times to put my and Ava's bags in the car. Over the next 1/2 hr, not only did the contractions continue, but they started to get just a little bit painful.
At this point, it was about 11:15 pm and we called my mom so she could come get Ava and take her to her house to be with my dad. As I waited for my mom to arrive, Moe slept and I tried to make sure I had everything I needed...well the contractions started to HURT. But that didn't stop me, I knew they were going to starve me of food and drink when I got to the hospital so I made sure to eat before I went :-) My mom arrived around 11:45 pm so we were able to leave for the hospital about midnight.
About 3 minutes out on the way to the hospital, my water breaks....YES...sitting in the car. I had no idea what it was supposed to feel like, but there was no mistake due to the sheer amount...that my water had definitely broken. (Thankfully we were in my car and not in Moe's fairly new car...with cloth seats). Well, of course I knew that if your water breaks you need to go to the hospital so thankfully we were already on the way. What I did NOT know was that once your water breaks, it continues to leak, trickle...gush sometimes....whatever, but it isn't over after the initial whatever it is. Interesting...and...GROSS! Mostly because I had on sweat pants and everyoneknows that sitting in wet sweat pants is extremely uncomfortable. So still not realizing I'm going to continue to lose fluid, we pull up the the hospital and I get in a wheelchair while Moe goes to park the car and get our things. While he's parking a security guard sees me outside waiting and comes to wheel me up to Triage. As the chair starts moving, more and more fluid is coming out. So much that I begin leaving a trail in the lobby of the hospital, then onto the elevator and finally all the way in to the Triage area. Sooooo embarassing! And yes I know I'm not the first one but it was still embarassing. NO one prepared me for that!! After Moe came back from registering me, he told me "you shut down the elevator"...GREAT! He knows exactly what to say. Then as I was being wheeled to the Labor & Delivery room, there was this HUGE cleaning machine cleaning up and he said "they had to break out the big machine to clean your mess"...WOW...REALLY?!?!?
From then on my mom came and by 2:30 am I had my epidural....ahhh!!! Although, that was a little crazy because I think a Resident Anesthesiologist was doing my epidural because it took her FOREVER and there was another doctor coaching her through it. Very strange, but 3 contractions having to stay completely still later, it was done and I have barely been in any pain since then.
The only scary moment was after the nurse deermined I was 10 cm and ready to go, she told me to do a practice push (for future refernce ladies....I'd say NO if a nurse asks if you want to do that). Evidentally it pushed Kylie's head into the birth canal before the "real" pushing began and her heart rate was dropping they suspected because her head was being squeezed (this is why I have the oxygen mask on in the pics). But, Moe said a prayer and all went well. She was here 10 mins later. That's the story!!! Another wonderful Moore BLESSING; I'm thankful God is allowing us to parent another one of his awesome creations!!
See ALL the pics including Kylie meeting Big Sis!
That Wednesday night before started off like many other nights at home for Ava, Moe and myself. Although, I had been having some sort of contractions since Monday, I assumed they were Braxton Hicks although (as my sister-in-law reminded me) that was silly because at 40 wks, they're not considered Braxton Hicks anymore...they're the real thing. But they would be close and then go away for a long time and they weren't painful at all. So Wednesday after putting Ava to bed, I was washing dishes around 8:30 when I realized I was having some contractions again. Since, I had been having them all day, I wasn't paying much attention to them yet. I was more concerned with determining how I would style my hair after I washed it so I didn't look crazy in my post-delivery pics...you'll see later how that came out...not good :-) So I went on and washed my hair realizing that I was still having contractions.
After I washed my hair, it was about 9:45 pm and I was thinking....hmmmm....I better start timing these. I started timing them for the next hour and they were never any more than 5 mins a part. Still kinda in denial that I was going into labor, I called my sister and asked her what she thought. She told me I should try to stay at home as long as possible, but to call the doctor. When he called me back he told me that 5 mins or less is pretty consistent and to see what happened in the next 1/2 hr and come in if nothing changed. Meanwhile, my husband is pretty much KNOCKED OUT during all of this and to be honest, I don't think he really thought anything was really happening. He was soooo tired after having early morning workouts with his team the entire week before and earlier that week. I had to ask him like 3 times to put my and Ava's bags in the car. Over the next 1/2 hr, not only did the contractions continue, but they started to get just a little bit painful.
At this point, it was about 11:15 pm and we called my mom so she could come get Ava and take her to her house to be with my dad. As I waited for my mom to arrive, Moe slept and I tried to make sure I had everything I needed...well the contractions started to HURT. But that didn't stop me, I knew they were going to starve me of food and drink when I got to the hospital so I made sure to eat before I went :-) My mom arrived around 11:45 pm so we were able to leave for the hospital about midnight.
About 3 minutes out on the way to the hospital, my water breaks....YES...sitting in the car. I had no idea what it was supposed to feel like, but there was no mistake due to the sheer amount...that my water had definitely broken. (Thankfully we were in my car and not in Moe's fairly new car...with cloth seats). Well, of course I knew that if your water breaks you need to go to the hospital so thankfully we were already on the way. What I did NOT know was that once your water breaks, it continues to leak, trickle...gush sometimes....whatever, but it isn't over after the initial whatever it is. Interesting...and...GROSS! Mostly because I had on sweat pants and everyoneknows that sitting in wet sweat pants is extremely uncomfortable. So still not realizing I'm going to continue to lose fluid, we pull up the the hospital and I get in a wheelchair while Moe goes to park the car and get our things. While he's parking a security guard sees me outside waiting and comes to wheel me up to Triage. As the chair starts moving, more and more fluid is coming out. So much that I begin leaving a trail in the lobby of the hospital, then onto the elevator and finally all the way in to the Triage area. Sooooo embarassing! And yes I know I'm not the first one but it was still embarassing. NO one prepared me for that!! After Moe came back from registering me, he told me "you shut down the elevator"...GREAT! He knows exactly what to say. Then as I was being wheeled to the Labor & Delivery room, there was this HUGE cleaning machine cleaning up and he said "they had to break out the big machine to clean your mess"...WOW...REALLY?!?!?
From then on my mom came and by 2:30 am I had my epidural....ahhh!!! Although, that was a little crazy because I think a Resident Anesthesiologist was doing my epidural because it took her FOREVER and there was another doctor coaching her through it. Very strange, but 3 contractions having to stay completely still later, it was done and I have barely been in any pain since then.
The only scary moment was after the nurse deermined I was 10 cm and ready to go, she told me to do a practice push (for future refernce ladies....I'd say NO if a nurse asks if you want to do that). Evidentally it pushed Kylie's head into the birth canal before the "real" pushing began and her heart rate was dropping they suspected because her head was being squeezed (this is why I have the oxygen mask on in the pics). But, Moe said a prayer and all went well. She was here 10 mins later. That's the story!!! Another wonderful Moore BLESSING; I'm thankful God is allowing us to parent another one of his awesome creations!!
See ALL the pics including Kylie meeting Big Sis!
Monday, September 14, 2009
A few pics of Ava in Her New Dress
The Waiting Game...
I Think I'm Finally Ready and Here's Why...
So baby Kylie is due to arrive THIS Thursday! It has gone by quickly and honestly I have been in no hurry for her to arrive because I feel like I have to have absolutely EVERYTHING in order at home before she comes. Even over the weekend people would say to me, "Oh...I bet you are so ready..." and I'm thinking "No, not really".....that was until last night.
I normally take water with me to bed because I wake up soooo thirsty throughout the night, but I realized that when I do that, I end up drinking a lot of water throughout the night which makes me have to wake up almost every hour to use the bathroom. So, last night I decided not to take any water to bed with me. Well, about 3:00 am I woke up REALLY thirsty and decided to go downstairs to get something to drink. Well on my way down the steps (in the dark...I figured I know my house well enough that I didn't need any lights on), I somehow missed the last 1...or 2 steps....ooops! Down I went faster than I realized what was really happening. I caught myself with my hands and right knee...THANK YOU JESUS! But after I calmed down from the suprise of falling, I sat up and I told Kylie....OK, it's time for you to come on now! :-)
Ava Preparing for Her Little Sister...
Every few days or so as we put up something new for Kylie, Ava has to break it in. It started with her crib. Once we had it set up and moved to it's position in Kylie's room, Ava was jumping all in it and pretending to go to sleep in it.
Next was the Pack 'n Play bassinet (which she does recognize as her bed when we travel out of town). She only needed one night to break that in and once we moved it to the edge of our room, she wasn't as interested anymore. The double stroller was fine for her to break in because technically it belongs as much to her as it does Kylie.
Finally, tonight she arrived home from her day with Mema and Grandad and sees Kylie's infant seat; newly washed and set-up. She immediately tries to climb in....successfully. Then I suggest she put her baby in there....that only works for a few minutes and for the next 30+ minutes, she proceeds to make sure its all broken in for her sister :-)
So baby Kylie is due to arrive THIS Thursday! It has gone by quickly and honestly I have been in no hurry for her to arrive because I feel like I have to have absolutely EVERYTHING in order at home before she comes. Even over the weekend people would say to me, "Oh...I bet you are so ready..." and I'm thinking "No, not really".....that was until last night.
I normally take water with me to bed because I wake up soooo thirsty throughout the night, but I realized that when I do that, I end up drinking a lot of water throughout the night which makes me have to wake up almost every hour to use the bathroom. So, last night I decided not to take any water to bed with me. Well, about 3:00 am I woke up REALLY thirsty and decided to go downstairs to get something to drink. Well on my way down the steps (in the dark...I figured I know my house well enough that I didn't need any lights on), I somehow missed the last 1...or 2 steps....ooops! Down I went faster than I realized what was really happening. I caught myself with my hands and right knee...THANK YOU JESUS! But after I calmed down from the suprise of falling, I sat up and I told Kylie....OK, it's time for you to come on now! :-)
Ava Preparing for Her Little Sister...
Every few days or so as we put up something new for Kylie, Ava has to break it in. It started with her crib. Once we had it set up and moved to it's position in Kylie's room, Ava was jumping all in it and pretending to go to sleep in it.
Next was the Pack 'n Play bassinet (which she does recognize as her bed when we travel out of town). She only needed one night to break that in and once we moved it to the edge of our room, she wasn't as interested anymore. The double stroller was fine for her to break in because technically it belongs as much to her as it does Kylie.
Finally, tonight she arrived home from her day with Mema and Grandad and sees Kylie's infant seat; newly washed and set-up. She immediately tries to climb in....successfully. Then I suggest she put her baby in there....that only works for a few minutes and for the next 30+ minutes, she proceeds to make sure its all broken in for her sister :-)
Friday, September 4, 2009
The rest of Crazy Fun Week at Ava's Daycare
So I'm a little behind posting pics of Ava's "Crazy Fun Week" at her daycare. Her new thing is "Come on Mommie.....Come on!!!" Which is great because she gets excited about going to see her friends Isabella, Marleigh, Jaden & Ava Parsons at school. It's a MUCH MUCH better feeling than the mornings we have the tearful good-byes or with her grabbing my leg or her teacher having to just take her from me....much, much better. OH and the cutest thing was last night, my Aunt Jeneene had received some bad news from her doctor, so Mema took Ava over to visit her while Moe and I were in our last Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class and she had a BALL visiting with my Aunt. As we were leaving, we had just finished praying for Aunt Jeneene and we were telling Ava to tell her good-bye and she gave her a kiss and said "Bye Neene...I love you...Ima miss you!" It's the first time she spontaneously told anyone she'd miss them. It's amazing how God uses tiny children to lift our spirits. It was a blessing to see.
I'm so thankful for my children! This weekend (assuming I don't go into labor) we'll be finishing up Kylie's room and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning period. I think I'm in serious nesting mode...this didn't happen with Ava so I dunno....
So as far as our pics from Crazy Fun Week....Tuesday was "Pajama Day" Ava wasn't very cooperative with the pics, but we did our best...
We don't have a pic for Wednesday because it was mis-match day. You were supposed to let them pick out their own clothes, but she wasn't the least bit interested in doing that so it was a normal day for us.
Thursday was "Crazy Hair" day. I took her to school with her bed-head, afro-liscious look, but when I got there to pick her up, her teachers had given her a multi-ponytail mohawk....interesting. They don't know my baby needs a tad bit of grease to control that hair. :-)
Friday was "Favorite Sports Team" day. So of course Ava had to rep the school that pays the bills :-) She was a little Kentucky State Thorobred and she looked adorable! (ignore our un-made bed and hair supplies in the background)
I'm so thankful for my children! This weekend (assuming I don't go into labor) we'll be finishing up Kylie's room and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning period. I think I'm in serious nesting mode...this didn't happen with Ava so I dunno....
Monday, August 31, 2009
Is my name Mommie or Aunt Lynn??
After a rough weekend of having to sleep with Ava's feet in my back (she had some kinda 48 hr virus over the weekend or she was teething...hard to tell) it's good to have my Ava back to her wild self this Monday morning and sleeping in her own bed. Although, most Monday mornings, she's with Mema and Grandad, they're in NY with Allan's kids so she gets to participate fully in her "Crazy Fun Week" at her daycare. After a week with 8 out of 14 of her cousins, she sometimes now prefers to call me "Aunt Lynn" out of the blue. She knows what she's doing too especially when I try to correct her by slowly saying "MOMMIE," she smiles and says "Aunt Lynn" anyway. So this morning she hands me her sippy cup and said "I want juice Aunt Lynn" :-/ She did melt my heart on Saturday though, when she looked up at me unprompted with a very serious look on her face and said "I lul (LOVE) you Mommie" She's soooo sweet!
Well today for Crazy Fun Week was "Dress in Red" day. It may look like she's dressed a little warmly for Aug. 31st, but it was 55 degrees here this morning and I can't have a sick toddler with a newborn on the way! Speaking of the newborn, Kylie, she is so big that I feel like I can literally feel the pain of my stomach strectching sometime....but it's all worth it! I can't wait to meet her....15 days and counting....
Friday, August 28, 2009
My First Post
Everyday I thank God for my family -- extended and immediate. Having children has given a new meaning to feeling BLESSED! My now 20-month old daughter Ava makes me laugh EVERY DAY and when we are fortunate enough to have my step-daughter Gabby with us, it is difficult to go more than 5 minutes without a good laugh! I wanted to start this blog so that they can have a place to see all of the funny and difficult moments of their childhood. I figured this might be better for me to keep up with than journaling....we shall see :-)
This morning....I was actually in the midst of a bad dream when I hear through the baby monitor at around 5:50 am:
Ava: "Mommie.....Mommie.....Mooooommmmie," then a few seconds later..."Mommie....where are you? where are you?" and then when I walk in her room, as she does most mornings, "Hi, Mommie" and hands me her sippy cup which somehow she slept with last night (don't know how that happened b/c it was her cup from the night before last???)
She is quite the talker already. It's no suprise though having myself and Moe for parents.
This morning....I was actually in the midst of a bad dream when I hear through the baby monitor at around 5:50 am:
Ava: "Mommie.....Mommie.....Mooooommmmie," then a few seconds later..."Mommie....where are you? where are you?" and then when I walk in her room, as she does most mornings, "Hi, Mommie" and hands me her sippy cup which somehow she slept with last night (don't know how that happened b/c it was her cup from the night before last???)
She is quite the talker already. It's no suprise though having myself and Moe for parents.
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