Monday, November 14, 2011
Twinkle Toes
Kylie & Ava got their first pairs of Twinkle Toes shoes a few months ago but evidently their a little bright for Kylie. Early one morning, it was still dark and I was going to put them on her and they started to "twinkle" all the colors in the dark. Kylie quickly covered her yes with the back of her hand as if she was being flashed with the brightest light she had ever seen and let out a "Oooooh" to go along with it. Girls can be quite dramatic.
Been Forever

For the sake of my kids, I'm going to do better with this. With the addition of Aaron (Clarence Aaron Moore, III) in combination with our move to Louisiana, our days are extremely hectic! Ava goes to school Tue-Thurs while currently Kylie and Aaron are home with the babysitter while I work from home. Kylie is extremely strong-willed. She eats when she wants to and refuses to start learning to use the potty...ughhh! Ava is smart and very sensitive. Aaron is laid back, loves to be talked to and loves watching his big sisters run around him being loud and wild.
FCOTD (Funny Comment(s) Of The Day): Kylie was sitting in my lap as I was combing out her hair after washing it tonight and pooted. She turned around and gasped like she was really suprised and then looked at my with a very concerned look on her face and said "You poopy?" LOL...she looked like she was really worried about me.
Another funny thing that happened was as I was sitting on the couch nursing Aaron, I saw Ava playing with her baby and then hold it up to her nipple as if she were really nursing it....I mean it was the perfect nursing cradle position :) I had to try so hard no to laugh.
Last week, we were Family of the Day at Ava's school. We did a short presentation where we shared Ava's favorite Song (Never Say Never..Justin Bieber/Jaden Smith), favorite book (Goldilicious) and her favorite snack (Strawberry & chocoloate cupcakes). We also showed her class 5 pics of her family and her friends from her old school in Kentucky which she affectionately calls "my Oak School."

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